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Bendita Suegra

Bendita Suegra

Atualizado: 30-04-2024
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Andrea, a successful veterinarian who loves her job and is in a relationship with Lucio, an up-and-coming lawyer who grew up in the country. Lucio has some news for Andrea: his mother is turning 60 and is throwing a big party to celebrate. Andrea visits the town where Lucio was raised for the first time and would like to become very close to his family, especially her new Mother-in-law Blanca, who is an overprotective mother, ultra-conservative and always thinks she’s right about everything. Andrea tries to fit in by tolerating all her quirks and harsh treatment during the torturous weekend.

  • Lançamento: 10-05-23
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    Dirigdo por:
    • Beto Gómez

    Escrito por:
    • Melissa Palazuelos
    • Alejandra Vidal

  • Visto: 1
  • País: CL, MX
  • Idioma: Español

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